Friday, January 29, 2010

Ugh, I have a blog...

I can't believe that I am writing in my  "blog" right now. I've never thought I would be one to log my thoughts on the interweb...aka "blog", this is mostly because I don't generally feel as though I have all that much important information to share with the world- well information thats fit to print anyway...generally the things I feel that are super important to get off my chest come out in the form a some sort of angry rant, therapeutic rant- but as I'm going to be out in the bush for the next two years- in Zambia, as a Peace Corps volunteer in the LIFE project (Linking Income, Food, and Environment) I thought it was important to create one for a few reasons. As far as I understand it I'm going to have limited access to internet (like once a month-ish) and since my departure is going to leave a GIANT black whole in the lives of just so many people I thought that this would be a great way for me to let everyone know what I'm doing, what its actually like in the bush etc, etc.

Also, there has been quite a bit of social research showing that people generally connect personal stories a lot better than they do generalized descriptions of events- ok so that was a really wordy way of saying that there is a better chance of people caring about the Peace Corps., the type of work I will be doing, and the issues that affect the Zambians in the community that I will be living in if I am able to give a first hand account/personal story of what's going on and since this is something that I am passionate and care a lot about, I feel like this is the best way for me to share that with you, rather than say, sending angry emails, . in this case you dont have to read if you dont want to.

Thus ends my blog explanation, hopefully I'll have a lot more interesting information in my future posts.